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El Patio is Melbourne's most popular language school!

What makes learning at El Patio so great:

  • Outstanding teachers
  • Over 100 classes per Term
  • Friendly school
  • Flexible timetable
  • Face-to-Face, Online, and Hybrid delivery
  • Our lessons are fun!

Scroll down for class times!

What are our classes like?

You're going to love our classes and teachers! El Patio has over 20 years’ experience specialising in Spanish, with courses for everyone – from beginners through to fluency. All our teachers are qualified professionals. Classes are small (5–14 students), rigorous, and fun!

We offer three class formats:

  • Face-to-Face (in person in our centres)
  • Online (via Zoom)
  • Hybrid (Online and Face-to-Face at the same time!)

Read a full description here.

Students say...

​"After becoming frustrated at my lack of progress with their competitor, I received a recommendation for the classes at El Patio. Since enrolling I have never looked back, the teachers are knowledgeable, the students are great, the classes are fun, and my Spanish quickly improved enough to converse confidently with the locals when I arrived in Latin America."

- Angela Hayhurst


"Love El Patio! Been going for a few years now and have been consistently impressed by all the teachers and facilities. Hybrid (face-to-face and online) classes are working incredibly well."

- Geoff Lynch


"I have been studying at El Patio (Northcote branch) for quite a few years and love it. As a retired teacher, I know good teaching when I see it, and the teachers at El Patio are absolutely wonderful - caring, professional and fun. The class I am in has developed a great sense of unity and camradarie and I love going to it."

- Kathy Chambers


"I love the hybrid classes! It gives me the option to still go to class if I get home late from work, am super tired or am sick (important coming into winter/flu season). The flexibility is such a great thing and the setup of the classes seems to be working really well."

- Upper Intermediate 5 student


"Noryan is great with Zoom and I don’t think we miss anything from face-to-face interaction."

- Lower Intermediate 5 student


"The teachers are excellent and the lessons are well paced, not too fast or slow. I'd previously tried learning Spanish with a well-know language app, but found it slow going and not useful for real life. I've learned more in 5 lessons at El Patio than I did with 3 months of daily app use. So happy I've found this place."

- C. Angus

What you Learn...

En estos niveles de Advanced (1-6) vamos a trabajar con las siguientes estructuras verbales - entre otras muchas.

Advanced 1

  • Uso y formas de los tiempos del pasado
  • Usos de la voz pasiva
  • Construcciones impersonales
  • Distintos usos del presente de subjuntivo para expresar opiniones y creencias
  • Expresar condiciones con el subjuntivo

Advanced 2

  • Expresar condiciones irreales sobre el presente y sus consecuencias (pretérito imperfecto del subjuntivo)
  • Pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo
  • Expresar opiniones y argumentar (verbos de opinión + subjuntivo)

Advanced 3

  • Expresar alegría o satisfacción (qué bien que + subjuntivo)
  • Formular hipótesis sobre el pasado (subjuntivo)
  • Futuro compuesto y condicional compuesto
  • Imperativo afirmativo y negativo

Advanced 4

  • La voz pasiva
  • Marcadores del discurso

Advanced 5

  • Oraciones consecutivas
  • Verbos de cambio

Advanced 6

  • Oraciones de relativo con preposición
  • Oraciones condicionales
  • Pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo 

Textbooks (Libro del Alumno and Cuaderno de Ejercicios) are required for all Advanced levels

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