In one of Ana’s advanced classes at El Patio, students read about the project "7 mil millones de Otros" ( from the book Vitamina C1, SGEL). The project asks a set of basic questions to thousands of people around the world and compiles their video testimonials on the website.
In class, the students adapted this project to the Spanish-speaking world – particularly the world of Spanish students! The resulting project – “400 millones de hablantes de español” (400 million speakers of Spanish) was recorded in class.
Students answered the following questions:
1. | ¿Recuerdas por qué elegiste estudiar español? |
(Do you remember why you chose to study Spanish) | |
2. | ¿Qué es lo que más te atrajo de la lengua? |
(What is it that most attracted you to the language?) | |
3. | ¿Tienes predilección por algún país hispano? |
(Do you have a preference for any Hispanic country?) | |
4. | ¿Qué aspectos culturales te gustan más o te sorprenden más de la lengua? |
(What cultural aspects to you like most or surprise you the most about the language?) | |
5. | ¿Has vivido en algún país hispano o has viajado a alguno? ¿A cuál? |
(Have you lived in any Hispanic country? Or have you travelled? To which country? | |
6. | ¿Qué aconsejarías a una persona que empieza a estudiar la lengua? |
(What would you recommend to someone who wants to start studying the language?) |
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By Ana Ruiz
September 27, 2017
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