Send us a travel photo or any photo with a Hispanic theme or subject by March 29
Include a creative title and a brief description of your photo in Spanish! (no more than 100 words) Make sure your description matches in with our theme: "The moment I knew Spanish was for me".
Entries will be exhibited at both centres and the competition will be judged by popular ballot vote (a people's choice award). The winner of the competition will receive A FREE 15-HOUR COURSE. The two runners up will receive a MYSTERY PRIZE (A Spanish learning resource - appropriate to level).
The opening festivies and voting will be held every day during the last week of Term 1 (the week of April 6) with voting ending April 17. Don't worry if you can't make the party – the photos will be on display for the whole of Autumn. The winner will be announced on May 4.
Looking forward to seeing your entries!
Click here to send us an email and attach your photo
Not sure which course is right for your Spanish level? Test your Spanish level now!
Ready to start learning? Find a class and enrol now!
By Penny Ray
January 7, 2020
Easy! Surprise your Spanish-learning friends, family or colleagues with a Gift Voucher. This voucher could be used toward a course fee or even texts. Once you have purchased your voucher, please El Patio of the…
Each month we'll send you Spanish language tips, practice exercises, useful links, special offers and fun upcoming events.
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