Me gustas tú (Manu Chao)

Born in 1961 in France to Spanish parents, Manu Chao's music is a mix of styles such as reggae, alternative rock, ska, punk, latin alternative and salsa. Beware - it is extremely catchy! His songs are characterised by a light reggae feel, layers and repetitions of odd and cute sounds, the use of several languages (sometimes in the one song) and themes of love, immigration, displacement and political activism.

Me gustas tú means I like you, and is from Manu Chao's second album, Próxima Estación: Esperanza. It involves repeated use of the verb gustar.

The song is basically a list of what he likes, so is great for gaining and memorising new vocabulary. It's a long, diverse list of things, activities and feelings.

Manu Chao at Budapest Park, 2013 by Derzsi Elekes Andor, Creative Commons 3.0

How songs in Spanish help learning

  • new words - learn new vocabulary - could be useful words or uncommon ones
  • memorisation - totally boosted when music and language are paired together
  • miming - practice pronunciation in a fun context and without being heard
  • motivation - singing is fun and can actually become a reason to continue with language study
  • culture - we’re getting a look-in on another culture, especially if the video takes us there
  • really impress native speakers - imagine surprising the locals with Un, dos, tres, un pasito pa'lante Maria (Ricky Martin) at a summer fiesta that you happen to land in, in Puerto Rico

Me gusta la gramática

The verb gustar is translated as to like something, but is not used in the same way as the verb to like in English.

It is used exactly as we use the verb to please. So it's more like you please me (me gustas tú) / the rain pleases me (me gusta la lluvia).

Note the conjugation of the verb and the use (or not) of the definite article (the) when followed by:

  • a singular noun - gusta + [el/la] (me gusta la mañana)
  • a plural noun - gustan + [los/las] (me gustan los aviones)
  • a verb - gusta + [verb in the infinitive] (me gusta correr)
  • a proper noun (name, place ..) - gusta + [proper noun] (me gusta Malasaña. Malasaña is an area of Madrid)

Manu Chao bends the rules a little by leaving out the definite article (el/la/los/las) in some lines, eg, me gusta colombiana. It should be me gusta la colombiana.

Letra en español - lyrics in English

Qué horas son mi corazón
Permanece a la escucha
Doce de la noche en La Habana, Cuba
Once de la noche en San Salvador, El Salvador
Once de la noche en Managua, Nicaragua
What time is it, my love
Stay tuned
Midnight in la Habana, Cuba
Eleven at night in San Salvador, El Salvador
Eleven at night in Managua, Nicaragua
Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tú
Me gusta viajar, me gustas tú
Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tú
Me gusta el viento, me gustas tú
Me gusta soñar, me gustas tú
Me gusta la mar, me gustas tú
I like planes, I like you
I like to travel, I like you
I like the mornings, I like you
I like the wind, I like you
I like to dream, I like you
I like the sea, I like you
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais pas
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais plus
Qué voy a hacer - Je suis perdu
Qué horas son, mi corazón
What am I going to do - I don't know
What am I going to do - I don't know anymore
What am I going to do - I am lost
What time is it, my love
Me gusta la moto, me gustas tú
Me gusta correr, me gustas tú
Me gusta la lluvia, me gustas tú
Me gusta volver, me gustas tú
Me gusta marihuana, me gustas tú
Me gusta colombiana, me gustas tú
Me gusta la montaña, me gustas tú
Me gusta la noche
I like biking, I like you
I like running, I like you
I like the rain, I like you
I like to return, I like you
I like marijuana, I like you
I like Colombian girls, I like you
I like mountains, I like you
I like the night
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais pas
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais plus
Qué voy a hacer - Je suis perdu
Qué horas son, mi corazón
What am I going to do - I don't know
What am I going to do - I don't know anymore
What am I going to do - I am lost
What time is it, my love
Me gusta la cena, me gustas tú
Me gusta la vecina, me gustas tú
Me gusta su cocina, me gustas tú
Me gusta camelar, me gustas tú
Me gusta la guitarra, me gustas tú
Me gusta el reggae, me gustas tú
I like dinner, I like you
I like the neighbour, I like you
I like her cooking, I like you
I like flirting, I like you
I like the guitar, I like you
I like reggae, I like you
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais pas
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais plus
Qué voy a hacer - Je suis perdu
Qué horas son, mi corazón
What am I going to do - I don't know
What am I going to do - I don't know anymore
What am I going to do - I am lost
What time is it, my love
Me gusta la canela, me gustas tú
Me gusta el fuego, me gustas tú
Me gusta menear, me gustas tú
Me gusta la Coruña, me gustas tú
Me gusta Malasaña, me gustas tú
Me gusta la castaña, me gustas tú
Me gusta Guatemala, me gustas tú
I like cinnamon, I like you
I like fire, I like you
I like to dance, I like you
I like la Coruña, I like you
I like Malasaña, I like you
I like a fight, I like you
I like Guatemala, I like you
Qué voy a hacer - Je ne sais pas
Repita ...
Qué horas son, mi corazón
Repita ...
What am I going to do - I don't know
Repeat ...
What time is it, my love.
Repeat ...
Cuatro de la mañana Four in the morning

Two versions - with English and Spanish lyrics

Gustar - where can I get it?

At El Patio we study the verb gustar in Elementary 3 (which includes Rápido Elementary 3 and Express 3&4).

It is also covered briefly in Spanish for Travel, the Verb Workshop and some of the Summer Intensives courses.

¡Me gustan los verbos, me gustas tú!

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By Toni Edwards
July 4, 2016



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