Like the difference between ser and estar, students sometimes find the difference between por and para bewildering! 'Hack' the puzzle with us in this article to unmask the uses of these pesky prepositions!
Do not fear the Adverb. Adverbs do what adjectives simply can not. While adjectives describe nouns and pronouns, adverbs describe just about everything else!
Learn while you practise reading! Ana Ruiz has written another short story which not only functions to practise directions, descriptions and new vocabulary, but takes you right into the streets of Barcelona's Barrio Gótico (Barri Gòtic), and the literary treasures that might be found there. A micro literary thriller! Good for an A1 level.
Beginners! Check out our podcast of 1-minute lessons created by us to help you tip-toe through the minefield that is learning Spanish. It's free, available on iTunes, and there are 40 episodes. Not only that, they are modelled on the study path that our Elementary 1 courses take. Go get it!
Mmmm, sardinitas. Say hello to another in our series of edu-recipes which enable you to learn some Spanish whilst preparing food and enjoying it! You'll find a summary of the different grammatical elements, the verb forms used, as well as vocabulary. This is good for students at level A1 (Elementary 1, 2, 3 & 4).
Read the first of our stories in Spanish - graded for specific levels. This one is for beginners, or A1 in progress (A1 complete is when you've done Upper Elementary 3). It not only contains a glossary of nouns, and a list of conjugated verbs, but - wait for it - lesson on SER & ESTAR - hurrah!
It is fundamental to be comfortable with these pronouns when learning verb conjugation. As verbs are such a huge part of the Spanish language, it's imperative to move beyond "personal pronoun fright" as soon as you can! Here's an article about them, and there's a freebie involved - do read on!
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