Podcasts, in Spanish!

Podcasts can be seriously entertaining, funny, informative - and a wonderful resource for practising your Spanish!

Check out El Patio's Spanish podcast recommendations. There's something for every level!

How to study in Spain for FREE

One of the benefits of being a student at El Patio is being able to connect with the Hispanic world here, in Melbourne. But sometimes these benefits stretch a little further abroad.

Any student at El Patio can apply for a scholarship to Valladolid in Spain for 1 or 2 weeks. Read this article to find out more!

Hints and Guidelines for Zoom classes!

We're really pleased to be able to keep our classes going during the COVID-19 period. Online (Zoom) classes are now the norm for the moment.

For the best online class experience, we've laid out a set of guidelines, from both the tech point of view - as well as best behaviours!

Champeta - What's the hype? / Champeta - ¿Por qué tanto bombo?

One of the most rewarding aspects about studying Spanish is the opportunity it offers to engage with Hispanic cultures from across the world.

Let Naira, one of our staff from Colombia, tell you all about 'Champeta' - a dance style that burst onto the world stage in February this year. As you find yourself spending more time inside and in need of new exercise ideas, why not try the Champeta ​Challenge at home!

Know your Arepa

The Arepa is a traditional flat corn cake that you can eat for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, making it an essential food for many. It can be fried, baked, fried and baked, grilled or steamed. It can be a side or a main, have fillings or toppings, making it without a doubt one of the most versatile Latin-American dishes.

The Free 'El Patio ESSENTIALS' language sheets

As a supplement to your study materials, El Patio is producing a serious series of useful language sheets, covering key grammar topics and tenses in clear and straightforward language to help you as you learn.

Elephants and light bulbs - why we fear grammar and how to learn to love it

Leaping out at us from the pages of our textbooks, grammar is often feared and is often the 'elephant in the room'. But grammar isn't meant to be scary. In fact, it's something we're naturally good at. Grammar is part of our daily lives and is part of what makes us human.

Bienvenidas / bienvenidos, welcome to all our beginner students

If you've just started studying at El Patio right at the beginning, here are some ideas about how to get the most out of your course for your future success with speaking Spanish.

400 millones de hablantes de español

Students of El Patio made a video answering some questions about their connection with the Spanish-speaking world and their experience of learning Spanish.

Have a look, be inspired and join 400 million speakers of Spanish!

Typing Tildes & Spanish Punctuation - é ñ ü ¿ ¡

Ever wondered how to master typing those little squiggles, dots and quirky punctuation marks? You may have thought it involved some sort of program, toolbar or application - you'd be wrong!

It's super easy to write Spanish punctuation on an English keyboard. Find out how in this article.

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Each month we'll send you Spanish language tips, practice exercises, useful links, special offers and fun upcoming events.

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