Calling out to all Instagram fanatics, travel photography whizz-kids and landscape framing afficionados - here's your chance to get more than just 'likes' on Instagram for your efforts! Enter into our photography competition and we will display your beautiful piece for an entire month in both of our centres AND you could win a whole 15 hour course!
To make it both more fun and fair - the winner will be selected by popular vote: a people's choice award!
Read how to enter here! (It's super easy)
The Arepa is a traditional flat corn cake that you can eat for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, making it an essential food for many. It can be fried, baked, fried and baked, grilled or steamed. It can be a side or a main, have fillings or toppings, making it without a doubt one of the most versatile Latin-American dishes.
España, principios de la década de los sesenta (Presente, Imperfecto e Indefinido).
"Mujer sin nombre" es una historia sobre el desarrollo turístico en la costa del levante español y las consecuencias que tuvo en su población y paisaje. A la par, se nos presenta una mujer cualquiera que se queda sin su medio de subsistencia, sin que se le ofrezca ninguna otra alternativa que la de ir a servir a la ciudad. Esta historia, aunque inventada, podría ser la vida de muchas mujeres que tuvieron que abandonar sus pueblos para ir a trabajar de sirvientas a las grandes urbes.
Los Van Van's music tells the story of Cuba itself, from its conquest by the Spanish to its modern, turbulent history - all the while celebrating the vivacity, toughness and community that defines Cuba today! This year Los Van Van celebrated their 50th anniversary - let's look at how they've evolved!
In late 2015, Chris (one of our admin team) and his partner, walked el Camino de Santiago. Here he provides a brief history of the pilgrimage, recounts some of his experiences and offers some advice for those planning on undertaking the long walk across Spain.
Always a lover of languages, it made sense Noryan would find herself sharing her own language with others.
Noryan (from Venezuela), had already been teaching Spanish in Melbourne for some time before she accidentally stumbled across El Patio Northcote! We're so glad she did - she's now one of El Patio's crown jewels! Read on to find out more about Noryan's journey and her advice for students.
La alcahueta es un homenaje a la obra de "La Celestina. Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea" de Fernando de Rojas (siglo XV), figura que tiene su precedente en el "Libro de buen amor" del Arcipreste de Hita (s. XIV). El cuento también pretende ser una crítica a un tema muy de actualidad: los vientres de alquiler. *esta imagen es un retrato de la Celestina de Pablo Picasso
In this playlist, Ana takes us into the world of Andalusian Copla - a type of traditional song that was born in the early 1920s. The lyrics tell stories of relationships torn apart, impossible desires, heartbreak, jealousy and loss.
As a supplement to your study materials, El Patio is producing a serious series of useful language sheets, covering key grammar topics and tenses in clear and straightforward language to help you as you learn.
Meet the wonderful Sardinian woman who's been making her mark at El Patio!
Valeria is one of those teachers who instantly engages with everybody. From her extremely friendly good mornings, to her ability to connect with every single student - Valeria brings joy and learning together in the classroom.
She'll push you, because she knows what you're capable of - but you'll always feel supported, comfortable and walk out smiling! We're very pleased to have her onboard with us - read on to discover more about Valeria and her story.
Designed perfectly for your classes!
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